Pyramid Portal 2024
This is an Invitation to invest in a 48 foot, modular pyramid hosting the Breath Ballet, Temple Dance with Kinetic Sculpture Aerial Lamp installations, and Movement and Art Workshops for Pyramid Portal camp at Burning Man 2024. Further,
The goal is to tour from Burning Man, to Reno, Las Vegas and land in Miami Florida where our team will set up permanent installations and venues along the way to showcase and promote local performing arts and healing workshops. We currently have a confirmed venue in Las Vegas and Reno with plans to also set a permanent location in Miami Florida.
Breath Ballet @ Pyramid Portal 9:30 & Enchant
Micro-Installation Breakdown:
In these two, 30 minute micro-installations of The Breath Ballet’, ‘Breath’ aims to showcase the fundamental creative and Engineering concepts on which The Breath Ballet Theatrical Cirque vision is founded while also having a lasting, deeply emotional or spiritual effect on Audiences.
One 30 minute show will explore scenes:
‘The Womb’: Before Time
‘Garden of Eden’: Innocence- Discovery
The Second 30 minute show will explore scenes:
‘Pulse’: The Presence of Fear
‘The Void’: A Being in The Void
Through these distinctly different interpretations of how Breath carries us through the dynamic depths and heights of our existence, utilizing the primal art of story telling, seamless conversations between artists and machinary and evocative subliminal imagery and sound, we will see an example of what creative heights are possible in this debut of collaborative artists.
Whether in our expanded show, or these 30 minute installations,
Audiences will be encouraged to Breathe with us, to immerse themselves in their own human experience, breath, emotion and curiosity for what is within and what is unknown.
Breath Ballet
Rhombic Dodecahedron Pyramid Lamps
A convex polyhedron with 12 identical rhombic faces. Each face is a rhombus, characterized by equal opposite angles and edges. The polyhedron has 14 vertices and 24 edges, with three faces meeting at each vertex
Pyramid Angles
Pyramids made at Burning Man by kSphinx and epic camps...